I often get asked by potential clients whether they are eligible for having matters expunged from their criminal past. It’s easy to understand why people have these questions because the expunction laws in NC are difficult to understand and full of technicalities. Here are some basic considerations to take into account if you are seeking assistance from an Expungement Lawyer in Raleigh for job purposes or simply don’t want a particular “bad decision” to continue to haunt your personal life, career, or standing in the community. In compiling “the rules” of what may or may not be eligible for expunction, there are some general questions to determine eligibility which can be found here on our Raleigh Criminal Record Expungement page.
As a leading Raleigh expungement lawyer, I’ve helped numerous clients clean up a past they would like to forget and won’t follow them around in their personal or professional life. If you would like a consultation on whether your record is eligible to be expunged, please contact me or call (919) 832-0307.